Tag Archives: NYC Personal Trainer

Looking for a personal trainer in New York City?

If you live in New York you’re well aware of the pervasive culture of fitness. It seems everywhere you look there’s a new organic store, or a new gym, and healthy living isn’t so much an option, but a part of life. Maybe it’s the attitude, the frame of mind that New Yorkers need to be doing things bigger and better. Or maybe we’re taking cues from our local government, who’ve outlawed smoking and trans fats from restaurants. Whatever it is, fitness is an integral part of the New York City lifestyle, and with ambitious, educated, and driven people, why shouldn’t it be? In New York, people eat great and look great. But obtaining the body of an Adonis is no small task, and there is no magic switch that you can flip on. Like anything else, looking good takes work; hard work. And it’s not easy either. Many people spend countless hours at the same sweaty gym, dragging themselves through the same treadmill routine, or powering through a monotonous workout that produces little results. If this sounds familiar, you might want to consider enlisting the services of a fitness professional to help you accomplish your goals. And this is New York; you’ve got the best in the country to choose from.

Now just because you live in paradise doesn’t mean there are not a few duds in your midst. Lets fact it, it’s not the easiest thing in the world to find a personal trainer. What are you going to do? Walk into you local gym and ask for a trainer? You’ll probably wind up with the kid on summer break who the manager needs to fill hours with. You don’t get to pre-screen these professionals before hand do you?

Sure you’ve seen the movie stars with their trainers, and you’re probably wondering how you can get someone like that. If Jennifer Anniston is working out with him, he’s got to be good. But how do you find him? Chances are you’ve heard countless fitness professionals advertising themselves as “celebrity trainers,” but what exactly does that mean? Are you just supposed to take their word for it?

And maybe you don’t even want to go to a gym. Those places are intimidating and loud, and if you’ve got some equipment in your apartment why not find someone who can come to your place and train you. Maybe you live in a building with a gym, and you want to take advantage of that. How do you find someone to come to you?

Like anything else in life, you should be able to make an informed choice before you hire someone new. You want to look at a bio, some references, certifications, specializations, rates, and more; after all it’s not only your body, but your money that you’re committing here. Well, we’ve got the solution.

Fittron.com is a directory of fitness professionals throughout the country. Professionals advertise with us because they want to help you accomplish your fitness goals. We provide a transparent and user friendly database where you can search for fitness professionals by zip code and specialization. Simply enter in your zip code, and view profile pages of fitness professionals in your location. We provide all the information you could ever want; pictures, rates, references, specializations, gym and facility affiliations, bios and much more.

Our professionals are accomplished, professional, and qualified; and the best part is- you don’t have to pay our site any dues. We’re not a gym taking a percentage, we’re not a staffing company, we’re a directory of fitness professionals for YOU to use. We’ve got professionals from all over the city, so you can make the choice on who is best for you.

Come to our site and see for yourself. You’ve got nothing to lose but the weight. And this is New York; we’re all about making things happen. Come visit Fittron and make your fitness goals a reality.


Central Park Boot Camp. New York City.





The Weather Is Changing. Your Workout Should Too


Fittron.com  will be holding boot camp classes in Central Park in New York City all Spring and Summer long.  There’s no contract, and no commitment. Sign up for as many or as few classes as you like.


Fittron professionals will be leading boot camp style exercises that include squats, pushups, band exercises, lunges, jumping jacks, isometrics, plyometrics, running, kickboxing, and self defense. We believe that changing up your normal gym routine will yield the results you’re after. Your body becomes accustomed to the same workout routine and you quickly reach a “plateau” where you’re unable to realize any further gains; unless you trick your body. Let’s trick it with some fun in the park. Let’s trick it with Central Park Fitness.


No need to bring any equipment, just come armed with a water bottle, and a smile; ready for a great workout that will make your heart pound. We’ll provide the guidance that will leave you feeling healthy and empowered. The weather is warmer and dress is lighter, take advantage of this new and fun fitness opportunity.


Leave the tired treadmill behind and come out to the Park to run some steps, make some loops around the ponds, and use Central Park as your gym!




To sign up please click the link below or email info@fittron.com


Central Park Boot Camp

Short on Time, Long on Results

If you’re like most New Yorkers, you’re time-starved. The CME model (Cardiovascular, Muscle, Endurance) is great when you have less than an hour to get in a total body workout that builds strength and endurance while burning body fat.

My SLCC exercise (Squat, Lunge, Curl and Crunch) does all of this in 30 to 40 minutes.

Grab a pair of dumbbells. Hold them by your side, arms nice and straight. Feet, shoulder width apart.

1. Now, do a squat. As you come up, do a bicep curl with both arms. Hold those barbells at shoulder level.

2. Lunge back with one leg while lowering only your opposite arm. Raise that same arm back up to shoulder level as you lunge back up to starting position.

3. Now lunge back with your other leg, while lowering your opposite arm.

Raise that arm back up to shoulder level as you lunge back up to starting position.

Congratulations. You’ve just done one rep. Now, do four more to complete the set.

Do a set of pushups in between each set and end your workout with an abs burnout.

That’s it. In less than an hour you’ve worked your entire body and you’ve benefited your heart and lungs with some good cardiovascualar work. And – you’ve burned body fat.

Easy Day. Sidney Wilson.

Come check me out on Fittron.com and let’s get to work.



CME, 3 Things You Must Do. Sidney Wilson

Three Things You Must Do

By Sidney Wilson

[Sidney Wilson is a fitness model, actor and personal trainer. His celebrity clients, include Day 26 and Nelson, The Prince of Bad Boy]

Cardiovascular, Muscle, Endurance (CME) is the foundation of any good fitness program. Leave one out and you’ll deprive yourself of the strength, speed and performance your body wants to naturally deliver.

Let’s go through each one, and then put them back together:

Cardiovascular, pertains to your heart, lungs and blood vessels. People hear the word cardio – and think treadmill. But that’s too limiting. Single focus cardio activities like running, will get your heart rate up but deprive your body and soul of a larger set of cardiovascular benefits: a strong heart, normal blood pressure and healthy lungs that will lead you to a longer, more satisfying life.

The best cardio? Think Versaclimber, boxing, tennis, or swimming. Anything that gets your heart rate moving, while engaging your entire body.

Muscle is composed of fibers, the contraction of which produces movement in the body. Muscle forms the foundation of strength, helps you build size and tone. Muscles respond to fast to training, but they adjust and settle into plateaus if you don’t “change it up.”

The best muscle workout programs engage a constant combination of machines and free weights. My personal favorites? Isometrics and challenging myself with my own body weight

Endurance, unlike cardiovascular, is a measurement of how long and how hard you can engage in a full body workout, play a competitive sport, or climb a mountain. Cardio will pump up your heart rate, but endurance is what will sustain it. Good athletes have the stamina and the resolve to cross the finish line, keep a tough game going, or take on huge flights of stairs when the subway escalator is out.

To build endurance, put exercises in back-to-back groups with little to no break time in between sets. For example, do a squat while holding two dumb bells even with your chest. Evolve the top of the squat movement into a shoulder press. Follow ten of those with 10-15 pushups, followed by 10-15 bicep curls. If you’re advanced, complete the routine by pumping out 10-15 full sit-ups. Then do two more full rounds of your combined routine. Trust me, it will be the workout of your life.

If you’re going to take the time to exercise and get yourself to the gym, do it right and reap the greater rewards of a larger fitness approach that takes in cardiovascular, muscle and endurance training. You’ll burn more calories, gain more muscle fiber, shred more body fat, and get ripped more quickly.

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Easy day …. Sidney Wilson

Like what you’re reading? Contact Sidney and begin your journey towards health and happiness


Sidney Wilson, personal trainer , fitness model and actor

Sidney Wilson

“To be the best, you must exceed the rest,” says personal trainer and fitness model Sidney Wilson. But, what is the best? “It’s a personal question – and it doesn’t always mean you have to be the strongest guy in the world, or the best athlete that ever lived, but it does mean setting stretch goals,” he says. ”People tend to over think training and fitness.” adds Sidney. “ I help you see it, believe it and achieve it. To make everyday an easy day.”

Sidney’s “easy day” philosophy set off a buzz amongst his community of personal training clients, who describe his training as tough, tougher and toughest. As Sidney puts it “my training is never really easy, but if you’ve done the work, you get in the right mindset, you stick to the regimen, and you do your homework assignments, you reach a state of mind where you experience a level of performance you never thought possible.”

“It’s tough, it sucks, you hate it, and you love it. Because you realize you’ve done the work. You’ve trained, you’re prepared. You know it’s going to be an easy day.”

Sidney has hundreds of “easy day” stories. He recalls a client that ran her first marathon. At the 12th mile she panicked, she didn’t think she could do it. But she recalled her training, her coaching, her knowledge. “I know how to do this,” she said aloud. “26 miles? Easy day.” Or the cyclist that’s pedaling as hard as he can, but is barely moving because of the high headwinds that just kicked in. He gets concerned, even a little scared. “But hey,” he thinks to himself. “I’ve trained for this. I know what to do. Easy day.”

As Sidney will tell you, “It’s a mind game. Don’t over think it. When you lean on the knowledge you’ve gleaned from my training, you channel your anxiety to make everyday an easy day. You surprise yourself. When you achieve new performance levels, together, we’ll set new stretch goals.” He’s not kidding about together, since he’s often seen training right along side his clients, chanting “easy day.” One client says,” Sidney’s awesome. He’s a freak. I love him.” Another client says, “I want to clobber him when he ends my session with ‘easy day’ but instead I ask: ‘What time tomorrow?’ ”

When Sidney’s not training or modeling, he can be seen ripping up the dance floor from the East Village to the Meat Packing district in New York City. He has appeared on Law & Order, CSI and MTV – as well as ads for GUESS and RocaWear. His interests include hip hop, mixed martial arts, hanging with friends and shooting pool, rock climbing, playing basketball, football, and boxing.

You won’t find a personal trainer like Sidney anywhere but Fittron. Come contact him and take it to the next level.


Fittron Featured Professional- Sidney Wilson

Sidney Wilson

Working out of the busiest and most competitive city in America, Sidney Wilson has established himself as the premier trainer in Manhattan. An accomplished athlete, model, and actor, Sidney has made his mark on the fitness landscape of New York.

Sidney specializes in a diverse range of fitness genres, including personal training, mixed martial arts, boxing, basketball, abs and butt training. Working out of Equinox Fitness clubs Sidney is also available to come to your apartment or house to train. Adhering to a strict and rigid exercise program himself, Sidney’s impressive physical appearance and personality has landed him on the television shows Law and Order and CSI. He has appeared in coutnless commercials and was featured on NBC and CBS for changing an upcoming musics artist. He is also a model appearing in numerous GUESS and RocaWear ads. Clearly the entertainment industry recognizes his strengths; and you should too.

In high demand in the city, Sidney has time for people who are looking to make a serious commitment to fitness. Emphasizing proper nutrition as well as hard work in the gym, Sidney will design a wellness program that will transform your body. A personable and garrulous man himself, he will be there to support and push you on your journey.

Sidney is not your typical personal trainer. He is so much more. An actor, model, mixed martial arts instructor, personal trainer, and all around fitness star. You won’t find a professional like Sidney at your local gym, or advertising himself on Craigs List. You’ll find him on Fittron.

Sidney is here. Come contact him and get that body you’ve always wanted. Check his references on our site and see all the satisfied clients who speak glowingly of the work he does.

Just let Sidney know that you found him on Fittron.


Find a Fitness Professional Near You

Since we last wrote, Fittron has experienced some impressive growth. We are now in 14 states, and have a vast array qualified professionals ready to assist you in your fitness goals. We have a presence in Los Angeles, Dallas, Las Vegas, Boston, New Hampshire, Florida, Atlanta, New York, and New Jersey. We have grown to include so much more then just personal trainers, and we now list “boxing coaches,” “nutritionists,” “aroma therapists,” “holistic health and wellness professionals,” “pole fitness instructors,” “Alexander technique specialists,” “physical therapists” and so much more. Again, we are entirely free for you the user to use. In a website review we were called the “yellow pages on steroids” and that seems a rather fitting phrase to describe our site. We provide you with pictures, rates, certifications, bios, specializations and more. We facilitate getting fit; and take the mystery out of it.

You now have the ability to “build” your own professional. Just enter in your zip code and select from our specialization tab. Find that fitness professional that you are looking for and contact them. But when you do- make sure you tell them that you found them on Fittron.
